Vapor Recovery Unit Q&A
Vapor Recovery Units (VRUs) are essential process equipment for oil and gas production operations, so getting the most performance out of these critical pieces of equipment is a top priority for operators.
Jack Samis (Co-CEO), and Brandon Dyck (Director of Engineering), both with Platinum Control, sat down to talk about how to get the most out of your VRUs. They cover a wide range of topics, including:
The importance of VRU efficiency and how it impacts overall well site performance
The variables impacting VRU efficiency
The most important factor affecting VRU efficiency
Strategies for maximizing efficiency over the life of the well
Download the VRU Efficiency Q&A
Contact us today to learn more about Platinum Control VRUs and why they typically move 30% more gas volume than competing alternatives with the same HP rating.
Chance Lauer
VP Sales & ServicePlatinum Control
Phone: 800-994-0579
About Platinum Control
Our core competency in Facilities Optimization sets us apart. We work with operators in the PermianBasin of all sizes, from companies having only a handful of wells to supermajors. As a result, we leveragethe experience gained with larger operators, build best practices into our products and services, andthen disseminate that knowledge to our smaller customers.A well site or facility with an optimized configuration will help you harness its full potential, maximizingits long-term economic value and environmental performance.